The Ryedale Community Charter is created 100% by local people to engage and empower our communities to:
  • Identify and protect what this community most values for the enjoyment and benefit of future generations (the valued tangible and intangible assets)
  • Establish the cultural heritage of the area
  • Take responsibility for their local environment
  • Encourage positive, sustainable change
  • Declare our common law rights and responsibilities for the local community to own, protect and nurture a sustainable environment
  • Create and maintain a Ryedale Community Charter
  • Enable individuals across Ryedale communities who are interested in the same issues to make connections and work together to bring about the changes they want to see
The communities and all involved in creating this charter have all given their time freely. 100% volunteers!
Photographer ©R E Field 

Our Charter

Our story started when Ryedale communities met with the UK Community Chartering Network. Those present were inspired by a vision whereby residents could articulate their shared  experience of living and working in their area. In essence what they Love about Ryedale

Our journey has since continued with a series of community workshops enabling residents to identify both the tangible and intangible assets in their local area; fundamental to the present and future of their community.

These discussions resulted in the creation of the Ryedale Community Charter

What's next?

We are now pioneering the concept of a Community Charter across Ryedale, starting with communities who wanted to work together to create a charter for their local area. These communities have shared what they most value about the place where they live and what they would like to protect for future generations: both the changes and improvements they’d like to see.

This is a long-term initiative. The Ryedale Community Charter is a living, breathing document which will evolve to include more villages and towns across Ryedale.
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