Local transport
- One of the top priorities to come out of the charter meetings was the lack of public transport in the Gilling East Parish. Local residents recently met with the Moors Bus group to obtain background information and contacts to enable our needs to be progressed. It was also agreed that in order to establish the level and type of need for local transport a questionnaire would be drawn up and circulated around the villages. A meeting has been held with a local company who own a mini bus and have expressed an interest in providing local transport support subject to insurance restrictions.
Gilling East, Cawton, Coulton, Grimston residents
Condition of the local roads
An investigation is underway to detail the poor areas of road surface in the Gilling East Parish before contacting the NYCC, Ryedale Council, local councillors and MPs in an attempt to getting the road surfaces repaired to a safe standard where puddles are not allowing pedestrians to be splashed, potholes and broken edges are not damaging vehicles, and uneven inconsistent surfaces are not reducing braking efficiency leading to accidents. Gilling East & Cawton residents